How Dental Implants Help Replace Missing Teeth

If you are one of the millions of Americans dealing with tooth loss, our Vancouver, WA, dentists, Dr. Kira Douglas and Dr. Benjamin Crusan, can restore your smile with the help of dental implants.

The most obvious benefit of getting dental implants is that they give you a full smile again; however, the benefits of this popular tooth replacement option aren’t purely cosmetic. Implants offer these amazing health benefits, as well:

A False Tooth That is Lifelike

A dental implant is truly the closest you can come to having a real tooth. It mirrors the function, feel, and look of your teeth so that you won’t even be able to tell the difference. Plus, they also integrate with bone and tissue to become a permanent part of your mouth. This means that you will have your false tooth with you all of the time and will be free of the need to take them out to clean them every night. Brush and floss them like regular teeth and you’ll have a healthy restoration that could last a lifetime.

Healthy Bone is Retained

Your implant also has a duty to preserve and protect your jawbone. By placing the implant where the roots of your tooth or teeth used to be, this small metal post can stimulate the jawbone in the same way as a real tooth root does. Accordingly, a dental implant will prevent the inevitable bone loss that occurs when tooth loss isn’t properly treated.

Look Younger

Not only will dental implants fill gaps between teeth and provide you with a full beautiful smile again, but they also provide the facial muscles with support to prevent premature wrinkles and sagging caused by bone loss.

Prevent Teeth from Shifting

Another reason to turn to our Vancouver, WA, restorative dentists for immediate tooth loss treatment is that by placing a restoration in the gap or gaps in your smile, we can also prevent the rest of your teeth from shifting into those open spaces. As teeth drift this can lead to bite problems, as well as crooked teeth and gaps between teeth.

Need Dental Work? Give Us a Call

Mountain View Dental – Salmon Creek welcomes you to its Vancouver, WA, office for the dental care you and your family deserve. If you are interested in talking about implants and whether they are right for you, then call our office today at (360) 955-0005 to schedule an appointment with one of our dentists.

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Mountain View Dental - Salmon Creek




8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm



